Dental Bonding Near You
Dental bonding near you is the simplest procedure to fix tooth imperfections or flaws. Many patients opt for tooth bonding to repair common issues such as decayed, cracked, gapped or discoloured teeth. Dental bonding near you can also increase the size of your teeth or lengthen them, and this can help patients achieve a more uniform smile.
The Procedure for Dental Bonding
Dental bonding is a very fast procedure and won’t require anesthesia or any downtime. You can even enjoy the benefits of dental bonding in Sherwood Park on your lunch break, as this procedure is generally only 30 to 60 minutes long.
Your dentist in Sherwood Park, AB T8H 0Z9, will first begin by etching the surface of the tooth—this involves applying the solution to your affected tooth to allow the bonding material to adhere properly. Once your tooth is prepared for dental bonding in Sherwood Park, your dentist will gently apply the resin and carefully mold it into the desired shape. After the resin is applied, it will be hardened using a special UV light. Lastly, your dentist near you will polish and shape your tooth for an enhanced and natural-looking effect.
If you are interested in dental bonding near you, we offer dental bonding in Sherwood Park, AB T8H 0Z9. Consult with a dentist near you to learn if you may benefit from this cosmetic dental procedure.